Examples of reports
Long Term Technical Assistance on Fiscal Decentralization in Uganda and South Sudan with ODI
DEGE Consult partners have engaged with Overseas Development Institute https://www.odi.org/ since 2013 to provide Long Term Technical Assistance on Fiscal Decentralization issues in Uganda (2015 – ongoing) and South Sudan (ended in 2017). The TA work provided by DEGE was an integral part of a wider ODI TA team that sought to apply principles of Problem Driven Iterative Approaches (https://bsc.cid.harvard.edu/PDIAtoolkit) to technical assistance. In both countries the TA was embedded with the Ministries responsible for finance, with multi sector engagement through established government structures for fiscal decentralisation that involved sector ministries, ministries responsible for public service and local governments, local government finance commissions etc.
In Uganda the TA includes support for implementation of the World bank funded (450 million USD) Uganda Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers (UgIFT) project https://projects.worldbank.org/en/projects-operations/project-detail/P160250
For the ODI approach please see https://www.odi.org/our-work/programmes/public-finance-and-institutions/efficient-and-equitable-public-services
Contact Senior partners Jesper Steffensen and Per Tidemand for additional details.
Applied Research on Fiscal Inequities and service delivery in Tanzania
DEGE Consultant undertook an expanded Public Expenditure Review (PER) analysis of Local Government Authority (LGA) fiscal inequities and the challenges of ‘disadvantaged’ LGAs in Tanzania
Comparative Studies of Decentralisation in East Africa
DEGE Consult partners have successfully undertaken a large number of analytical studies of decentralisation, local governance and local service delivery in several countries. This includes two comprehensive comparative studies of the three East African countries: Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.
The first study was conducted by our team in 2004 with World Bank funding. It applied a strict comparative and comprehensive approach to the analysis of decentralization with emphasis on five dimensions: (1) legal and institutional arrangements (2) LG Political Structures (3) LG Finance arrangements, (4) LG Human Resource Management and (5) overall central government supporting institutions.
An overall synthesis report Full Synthesis Report and three country reports were produced (link). The assignment culminated with a large stakeholder workshop attended by the ministers responsible for local government in the three countries and several neighbouring countries.
The second study was financed by JICA and completed in 2008. The study expanded the 2004 study with emphasis on the particular sector arrangements for delivery of local level services for education, health and agriculture. The study explores the impact of these arrangements on (a) governance (transparency and accountability) and (b) service delivery.
In addition DEGE partners have also contributed to various academic research on comparative studies of decentralisation in Africa – for instance
Source Materials on Decentralisation
Dege Consult produced a comprehensive set of source materials on decentralisation for the Danish Government (Danida) with experiences and lessons learned from decentralisation, and with focus on core issues such as fiscal decentralisation, the political economy, and decentralisation in three core sectors: 1) Environment, 2) Health and 3) Water.
More detailed materials and resource-base for all the documents are available from Dege Consult. The core documents can be viewed by clicking the read more link below.
For further information and materials contact Per Tidemand, TL for the assignment () and Jesper Steffensen ()
Download: Source Material | Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 1
Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 2 | Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 3
Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 4 | Fiscal Decentralisation Final
Political Economy | Draft Note on Water | Draft Note on Health
Draft Note on Enviroment
Thematic Global Evaluation of EC Support to Decentralisation Processes
Dege Consult partners Per Tidemand participated (as team leader and consultant) in this major evaluation of EC support to decentralisation processes in third countries. The work was complted early 2012 and included desk review of more that 23 countries and fieldwork in ten countries in Africa, Asia, Middle East and Latin America.
External Links: Public debate on the findings, Conclusions | Watch a Video
Thematic Global Evaluation of EC Support to Decentralisation Processes
Diagnostic of Intergovernmental Fiscal System – Urban Authorities in Uganda
Dege consult (lead) and Mentor Consult Uganda, with Jesper Steffensen and Emmanuel Ssewankambo, provided analytical input to Urban Development Program – USMID, and one of the main documents was a review of the intergovernmental fiscal transfers to urban authorities in Uganda.’
Download: Diagnostics of intergovernmental Report
Evaluation of Finnish Support to Local Governance and Decentralisation Processes
Dege Consult together with Particip of Germany carried an evaluation of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs support to local governance and decentralisation projects/programmes.
The evaluation was completed early 2012 and involved field work in Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Tanzania.
Download: Fiscal Decentralisation Course Report
Examples of reports

Long Term Technical Assistance on Fiscal Decentralization in Uganda and South Sudan with ODI
DEGE Consult partners have engaged with Overseas Development Institute https://www.odi.org/ since 2013 to provide Long Term Technical Assistance on Fiscal Decentralization issues in Uganda (2015 – ongoing) and South Sudan (ended in 2017). The TA work provided by DEGE was an integral part of a wider ODI TA team that sought to apply principles of Problem Driven Iterative Approaches (https://bsc.cid.harvard.edu/PDIAtoolkit) to technical assistance. In both countries the TA was embedded with the Ministries responsible for finance, with multi sector engagement through established government structures for fiscal decentralisation that involved sector ministries, ministries responsible for public service and local governments, local government finance commissions etc.
In Uganda the TA includes support for implementation of the World bank funded (450 million USD) Uganda Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers (UgIFT) project https://projects.worldbank.org/en/projects-operations/project-detail/P160250
For the ODI approach please see https://www.odi.org/our-work/programmes/public-finance-and-institutions/efficient-and-equitable-public-services
Contact Senior partners Jesper Steffensen and Per Tidemand for additional details.

Applied Research on Fiscal Inequities and service delivery in Tanzania
DEGE Consultant undertook an expanded Public Expenditure Review (PER) analysis of Local Government Authority (LGA) fiscal inequities and the challenges of ‘disadvantaged’ LGAs in Tanzania

Comparative Studies of Decentralisation in East Africa
DEGE Consult partners have successfully undertaken a large number of analytical studies of decentralisation, local governance and local service delivery in several countries. This includes two comprehensive comparative studies of the three East African countries: Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.
The first study was conducted by our team in 2004 with World Bank funding. It applied a strict comparative and comprehensive approach to the analysis of decentralization with emphasis on five dimensions: (1) legal and institutional arrangements (2) LG Political Structures (3) LG Finance arrangements, (4) LG Human Resource Management and (5) overall central government supporting institutions.
An overall synthesis report Full Synthesis Report and three country reports were produced (link). The assignment culminated with a large stakeholder workshop attended by the ministers responsible for local government in the three countries and several neighbouring countries.
The second study was financed by JICA and completed in 2008. The study expanded the 2004 study with emphasis on the particular sector arrangements for delivery of local level services for education, health and agriculture. The study explores the impact of these arrangements on (a) governance (transparency and accountability) and (b) service delivery.
In addition DEGE partners have also contributed to various academic research on comparative studies of decentralisation in Africa – for instance

Source Materials on Decentralisation
Dege Consult produced a comprehensive set of source materials on decentralisation for the Danish Government (Danida) with experiences and lessons learned from decentralisation, and with focus on core issues such as fiscal decentralisation, the political economy, and decentralisation in three core sectors: 1) Environment, 2) Health and 3) Water.
More detailed materials and resource-base for all the documents are available from Dege Consult. The core documents can be viewed by clicking the read more link below.
For further information and materials contact Per Tidemand, TL for the assignment () and Jesper Steffensen ()
Download: Source Material | Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 1
Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 2 | Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 3
Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 4 | Fiscal Decentralisation Final
Political Economy | Draft Note on Water | Draft Note on Health
Draft Note on Enviroment

Thematic Global Evaluation of EC Support to Decentralisation Processes
Dege Consult partners Per Tidemand and Hans Bjørn Olsen participated (as team leader and consultant) in this major evaluation of EC support to decentralisation processes in third countries. The work was complted early 2012 and included desk review of more that 23 countries and fieldwork in ten countries in Africa, Asia, Middle East and Latin America.
External Links: Public debate on the findings, Conclusions | Watch a Video
Thematic Global Evaluation of EC Support to Decentralisation Processes

Diagnostic of Intergovernmental Fiscal System – Urban Authorities in Uganda
Dege consult (lead) and Mentor Consult Uganda, with Jesper Steffensen and Emmanuel Ssewankambo, provided analytical input to Urban Development Program – USMID, and one of the main documents was a review of the intergovernmental fiscal transfers to urban authorities in Uganda.’
Download: Diagnostics of intergovernmental Report

Evaluation of Finnish Support to Local Governance and Decentralisation Processes
Dege Consult together with Particip of Germany carried an evaluation of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs support to local governance and decentralisation projects/programmes.
The evaluation was completed early 2012 and involved field work in Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Tanzania.

Download: Fiscal Decentralisation Course Report
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