DEGE Consult provides management consultancy services for public sector reforms with particular emphasis on decentralisation, local government reforms, performance based public services and good governance. Our services include:

– Project and programme designs

– Project and programme reviews and evaluations

– Capacity building and organisational development

– Fiscal decentralisation strategies and components

– Design or review of financial management systems

– Systems of decentralised human resource management

– Design or review of public sector management programmes

– Research and policy reviews

– Local governance performance indicators

– Functional assignments

– Climate change funding design operations

who we are

Dege Consult is a management consultancy company providing specialised services for government and development partners working with public sector reforms, decentralisation and good governance. The company was registered as a company limited (Ltd) with company registration in Denmark under Danish company Law since 2005

The company is managed by four Senior Partners working as team leaders on their respective assignments. This management structure enables us to respond in a very flexible manner to the particular requirements of each assignment. In addition we have a substantive group of associated consultants and a large network of trusted consultants within our particular area of operations.


We provide consultancy services for public sector reforms, decentralisation and good governance in developing countries for enhanced service delivery for the people. We strive to provide these consultancy services of the highest international quality and Integrity.

Our Code of Ethics and Corporate Conduct is based on five core principles:

Meeting the Client's Requirements and Needs
DEGE Consult regards the client’s needs and requirements as paramount and takes special care to act in the best interest of the client at all times. In line with this principle, DEGE consultants

  • Hold all information concerning the affairs of clients in the strictest confidence and do not disclose proprietary information obtained during the course of the assignments or consultancy service.
  • Ensure that advice, solutions and recommendations are based on thorough, impartial analysis and consideration of all available facts and relevant experience. They also guarantee that any professional advice provided is realistic, practicable and clearly understood by the client.
  • Ensure that the client is kept fully informed about any progress made during the assignment and diligently take note of any feedback provided by the client.
  • Act with courtesy and consideration towards the individuals contacted in the course of undertaking assignments
Professional Integrity, Independence and Objectivity
DEGE Consult’s commitment to ethically based business practices is based on a strong belief in values of integrity and transparency.

  • DEGE Consult’s policy on anti-bribery and anti-corruption is guided and inspired by the work of Transparency International and the ‘Business Principles for Countering Bribery [1] in particular. These Principles are based on a commitment to fundamental values of integrity, transparency and accountability, which we fully subscribe to.
  • DEGE Consult recognises that anti-corruption and anti-bribery efforts need to be tackled at different levels, and thereby have a bearing on the company’s values, policies, processes, structures and leadership. DEGE Consultants are bound by values of integrity, transparency and responsibility and conduct business to the highest ethical standards, and therefore do not tolerate bribery and corrupt behaviour. Violations of anti-corruption laws can lead to costly enforcement actions against the company and the individuals involved, damage to the company’s good standing and its consultants, and criminal penalties against both the company and the individuals involved.
  • It is not possible to formulate a set of guidelines that applies to every possible situation that may raise questions under the anti-corruption law of each country in which DEGE Consult offers its services. Each consultant is advised to use common sense in identifying an activity that may violate the company’s anti-corruption policy or be subject to scrutiny by law enforcement officials. It is the responsibility of each consultant to contact the management team if s/he has any question about whether his or her action could potentially violate anti-corruption law.


Delivery of High Quality Services
DEGE Consult is committed to the provision of high quality services to its clients. The company therefore

  • Only accepts assignments in areas that match the qualifications, experience and capacity of its consultants and the firm as a whole. The company’s management therefore rigorously selects and supervises its employees, associate consultants as well as any other partner.
  • Is committed to continuously improve its knowledge base, capacities and tools in its areas of expertise, and to extend to its clients the benefits of professional know how and achievements.
  • Provides continuous quality assurance and reviews its services to the extent necessary in order to minimize errors for the maximum benefit of the client.

Dege Consult encourages its individual consultants to pursue research activities of relevance to its core businesses and will wherever financially feasible prioritise assignments of policy orientation and with research elements

Integrity and Anti-corruption Policy
DEGE Consult’s commitment to ethically based business practices is based on a strong belief in values of integrity and transparency.


  • DEGE Consult’s policy on anti-bribery and anti-corruption is guided and inspired by the work of Transparency International and the ‘Business Principles for Countering Bribery [1] in particular. These Principles are based on a commitment to fundamental values of integrity, transparency and accountability, which we fully subscribe to.
  • DEGE Consult recognises that anti-corruption and anti-bribery efforts need to be tackled at different levels, and thereby have a bearing on the company’s values, policies, processes, structures and leadership. DEGE Consultants are bound by values of integrity, transparency and responsibility and conduct business to the highest ethical standards, and therefore do not tolerate bribery and corrupt behaviour. Violations of anti-corruption laws can lead to costly enforcement actions against the company and the individuals involved, damage to the company’s good standing and its consultants, and criminal penalties against both the company and the individuals involved.
  • It is not possible to formulate a set of guidelines that applies to every possible situation that may raise questions under the anti-corruption law of each country in which DEGE Consult offers its services. Each consultant is advised to use common sense in identifying an activity that may violate the company’s anti-corruption policy or be subject to scrutiny by law enforcement officials. It is the responsibility of each consultant to contact the management team if s/he has any question about whether his or her action could potentially violate anti-corruption law.
Responsibility to the Management Consulting Profession
DEGE Consults are committed to rigorously maintain their professional integrity, independence and objectivity. They will strive to accommodate clients’ interests without compromising legislation or the Code of Ethics and Corporate Conduct, and to maintain an open and transparent dialogue. Consultants avoid any action inconsistent with the company’s professional obligation or which in any way might be seen to impair the individual consultant’s integrity. When formulating advice and recommendations, consultants will be guided by the objective view of the client’s best interests. Following these principles, consultants

  • Favours quality based selection for the contracting of its services and competes with other consulting firms on the basis of fair principles.
  • Contributes to building good business relationships by referring to other companies and their actions in an objective manner.
  • Adopts objectivity and impartiality when assessing the work performed by other consulting companies
  • Respects copyrights.




Performance-Based Grant Systems

Partners from Dege consultant have been the leading design, analytical work and reviews of performance-based grant systems in 10-15 countries around the World, and been leading specialists in the area. Jesper Steffensen produced the enclosed book on the subject for UNCDF in 2010. The publication includes review of the concept, the international experiences and lessons learned, a book which provides hands-on experiences and support to anyone interested in this important subject within the field of intergovernmental fiscal transfers.

Download: Performance-Based Grant System Report

Block Grant System for Education Sector in Mongolia

In Mongolia in 2010 DEGE Consult assisted the Ministry of Education in designing a discretional grant for schools. For details contact Gerhard van’t Land.


In Mongolia Dege Consult assisted the Ministry of Education in designing a discretional grant for schools(funded by ADB). The grant will provide school management and the school councils some initial freedom in allocating resources according to local priorities. The assignment resulted so far in an analytical report, and a grant manual, both in English and Mongolian. The grant is piloted in 80 schools during the year 2010/11 and will be evaluated in August 2011 prior to a expected scaling up.

Download:  Analytical Report | Grant Manual

Climate change funding with links to local government resilience and performance-based grants

Dege Consult has since 2010 been involved in the design and implementation of programs to enhance local government resilience to the impact of climate change, in relation to support for  reforms of the intergovernmental fiscal transfer systems. Involved countries  include Ghana, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Lao PDR, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu. Since 2010, Dege Consult has been involved in preparation of the concept, the design as well as implementation of the Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) facility  (see  and has since (through retainer and framework contracts) contributed to further development and roll-out of the concepts, designs and lessons learned. This is a report Local Experiences, Climate Change on experiences from the first phase that was prepared with support from Dege Consult, notably the chapter on performance-based climate resilience grants and the ways and means to link local government grants for climate change adaptation with annual performance assessment systems and improved M&E…


Long Term Technical Assistance on Fiscal Decentralization in Uganda and South Sudan with ODI

DEGE Consult partners have engaged with Overseas Development Institute since 2013 to provide Long Term Technical Assistance on Fiscal Decentralization issues in Uganda (2015 – ongoing) and South Sudan (ended in 2017). The TA work provided by DEGE was an integral part of a wider ODI TA team that sought to apply principles of Problem Driven Iterative Approaches ( to technical assistance. In both countries the TA was embedded with the Ministries responsible for finance, with multi sector engagement through established government structures for fiscal decentralisation that involved sector ministries, ministries responsible for public service and local governments, local government finance commissions etc.

In Uganda the TA includes support for implementation of the World bank funded (450 million USD) Uganda Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers (UgIFT) project

For the ODI approach please see

Contact Senior partners Jesper Steffensen and Per Tidemand for additional details.

Applied Research on Fiscal Inequities and service delivery in Tanzania

DEGE Consultant undertook an expanded Public Expenditure Review (PER) analysis of Local Government Authority (LGA) fiscal inequities and the challenges of ‘disadvantaged’ LGAs in Tanzania



Comparative Studies of Decentralisation in East Africa

DEGE Consult partners have successfully undertaken a large number of analytical studies of decentralisation, local governance and local service delivery in several countries. This includes two comprehensive comparative studies of the three East African countries: Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.

The first study was conducted by our team in 2004 with World Bank funding. It applied a strict comparative and comprehensive approach to the analysis of decentralization with emphasis on five dimensions: (1) legal and institutional arrangements (2) LG Political Structures (3) LG Finance arrangements, (4) LG Human Resource Management and (5) overall central government supporting institutions.

An overall synthesis report Full Synthesis Report and three country reports were produced (link). The assignment culminated with a large stakeholder workshop attended by the ministers responsible for local government in the three countries and several neighbouring countries.

The second study was financed by JICA and completed in 2008. The study expanded the 2004 study with emphasis on the particular sector arrangements for delivery of local level services for education, health and agriculture. The study explores the impact of these arrangements on (a) governance (transparency and accountability) and (b) service delivery.

In addition DEGE partners have also contributed to various academic research on comparative studies of decentralisation in Africa – for instance

Source Materials on Decentralisation

Dege Consult produced a comprehensive set of source materials on decentralisation for the Danish Government (Danida) with experiences and lessons learned from decentralisation, and with focus on core issues such as fiscal decentralisation, the political economy, and decentralisation in three core sectors: 1) Environment, 2) Health and 3) Water.

More detailed materials and resource-base for all the documents are available from Dege Consult. The core documents can be viewed by clicking the read more link below.

For further information and materials contact Per Tidemand, TL for the assignment () and Jesper Steffensen ()

Download:  Source Material | Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 1
Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 2 | Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 3
Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 4 Fiscal Decentralisation Final 
Political Economy | Draft Note on Water | Draft Note on Health
Draft Note on Enviroment



Thematic Global Evaluation of EC Support to Decentralisation Processes

Dege Consult partners Per Tidemand and Hans Bjørn Olsen participated (as team leader and consultant) in this major evaluation of EC support to decentralisation processes in third countries. The work was complted early 2012 and included desk review of more that 23 countries and fieldwork in ten countries in Africa, Asia, Middle East and Latin America.

External Links: Public debate on the findings, Conclusions | Watch a Video

Thematic Global Evaluation of EC Support to Decentralisation Processes

Diagnostic of Intergovernmental Fiscal System – Urban Authorities in Uganda

Dege consult (lead) and Mentor Consult Uganda, with Jesper Steffensen and Emmanuel Ssewankambo, provided analytical input to Urban Development Program – USMID, and one of the main documents was a review of the intergovernmental fiscal transfers to urban authorities in Uganda.’

Download: Diagnostics of intergovernmental Report

Evaluation of Finnish Support to Local Governance and Decentralisation Processes

Dege Consult together with Particip of Germany carried an evaluation of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs support to local governance and decentralisation projects/programmes.

The evaluation was completed early 2012 and involved field work in Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Tanzania.


In May 2010, DEGE Consult facilitated a shot introductory course on Fiscal Decentralisation in Benin for the members of the Commission Nationale des Finances Locales (Local Government Finance Commission). As far as we know this has been one of the first times to extensively use the anglophone body of research and literature on the subject for a course in French.

Download: Fiscal Decentralisation Course Report

Contact US


DEGE Consult provides management consultancy services for public sector reforms with particular emphasis on decentralisation, local government reforms, performance based public services and good governance. Our services include:

– Project and programme designs

– Project and programme reviews and evaluations

– Capacity building and organisational development

– Fiscal decentralisation strategies and components

– Design or review of financial management systems

– Systems of decentralised human resource management

– Design or review of public sector management programmes

– Research and policy reviews

– Local governance performance indicators

– Functional assignments

– Climate change funding design operations

who we are

Dege Consult is a management consultancy company providing specialised services for government and development partners working with public sector reforms, decentralisation and good governance. The company was registered as a company limited (Ltd) with company registration in Denmark under Danish company Law since 2005

The company is managed by four Senior Partners working as team leaders on their respective assignments. This management structure enables us to respond in a very flexible manner to the particular requirements of each assignment. In addition we have a substantive group of associated consultants and a large network of trusted consultants within our particular area of operations.


We provide consultancy services for public sector reforms, decentralisation and good governance in developing countries for enhanced service delivery for the people. We strive to provide these consultancy services of the highest international quality and Integrity.

Our Code of Ethics and Corporate Conduct is based on five core principles:

Meeting the Client's Requirements and Needs
DEGE Consult regards the client’s needs and requirements as paramount and takes special care to act in the best interest of the client at all times. In line with this principle, DEGE consultants

  • Hold all information concerning the affairs of clients in the strictest confidence and do not disclose proprietary information obtained during the course of the assignments or consultancy service.
  • Ensure that advice, solutions and recommendations are based on thorough, impartial analysis and consideration of all available facts and relevant experience. They also guarantee that any professional advice provided is realistic, practicable and clearly understood by the client.
  • Ensure that the client is kept fully informed about any progress made during the assignment and diligently take note of any feedback provided by the client.
  • Act with courtesy and consideration towards the individuals contacted in the course of undertaking assignments

Professional Integrity, Independence and Objectivity
DEGE Consult’s commitment to ethically based business practices is based on a strong belief in values of integrity and transparency.

  • DEGE Consult’s policy on anti-bribery and anti-corruption is guided and inspired by the work of Transparency International and the ‘Business Principles for Countering Bribery [1] in particular. These Principles are based on a commitment to fundamental values of integrity, transparency and accountability, which we fully subscribe to.
  • DEGE Consult recognises that anti-corruption and anti-bribery efforts need to be tackled at different levels, and thereby have a bearing on the company’s values, policies, processes, structures and leadership. DEGE Consultants are bound by values of integrity, transparency and responsibility and conduct business to the highest ethical standards, and therefore do not tolerate bribery and corrupt behaviour. Violations of anti-corruption laws can lead to costly enforcement actions against the company and the individuals involved, damage to the company’s good standing and its consultants, and criminal penalties against both the company and the individuals involved.
  • It is not possible to formulate a set of guidelines that applies to every possible situation that may raise questions under the anti-corruption law of each country in which DEGE Consult offers its services. Each consultant is advised to use common sense in identifying an activity that may violate the company’s anti-corruption policy or be subject to scrutiny by law enforcement officials. It is the responsibility of each consultant to contact the management team if s/he has any question about whether his or her action could potentially violate anti-corruption law.


Delivery of High Quality Services
DEGE Consult is committed to the provision of high quality services to its clients. The company therefore

  • Only accepts assignments in areas that match the qualifications, experience and capacity of its consultants and the firm as a whole. The company’s management therefore rigorously selects and supervises its employees, associate consultants as well as any other partner.
  • Is committed to continuously improve its knowledge base, capacities and tools in its areas of expertise, and to extend to its clients the benefits of professional know how and achievements.
  • Provides continuous quality assurance and reviews its services to the extent necessary in order to minimize errors for the maximum benefit of the client.

Dege Consult encourages its individual consultants to pursue research activities of relevance to its core businesses and will wherever financially feasible prioritise assignments of policy orientation and with research elements

Responsibility to the Management Consulting Profession
DEGE Consults are committed to rigorously maintain their professional integrity, independence and objectivity. They will strive to accommodate clients’ interests without compromising legislation or the Code of Ethics and Corporate Conduct, and to maintain an open and transparent dialogue. Consultants avoid any action inconsistent with the company’s professional obligation or which in any way might be seen to impair the individual consultant’s integrity. When formulating advice and recommendations, consultants will be guided by the objective view of the client’s best interests. Following these principles, consultants

  • Favours quality based selection for the contracting of its services and competes with other consulting firms on the basis of fair principles.
  • Contributes to building good business relationships by referring to other companies and their actions in an objective manner.
  • Adopts objectivity and impartiality when assessing the work performed by other consulting companies
  • Respects copyrights.


Integrity and Anti-corruption Policy
DEGE Consult’s commitment to ethically based business practices is based on a strong belief in values of integrity and transparency.


  • DEGE Consult’s policy on anti-bribery and anti-corruption is guided and inspired by the work of Transparency International and the ‘Business Principles for Countering Bribery [1] in particular. These Principles are based on a commitment to fundamental values of integrity, transparency and accountability, which we fully subscribe to.
  • DEGE Consult recognises that anti-corruption and anti-bribery efforts need to be tackled at different levels, and thereby have a bearing on the company’s values, policies, processes, structures and leadership. DEGE Consultants are bound by values of integrity, transparency and responsibility and conduct business to the highest ethical standards, and therefore do not tolerate bribery and corrupt behaviour. Violations of anti-corruption laws can lead to costly enforcement actions against the company and the individuals involved, damage to the company’s good standing and its consultants, and criminal penalties against both the company and the individuals involved.
  • It is not possible to formulate a set of guidelines that applies to every possible situation that may raise questions under the anti-corruption law of each country in which DEGE Consult offers its services. Each consultant is advised to use common sense in identifying an activity that may violate the company’s anti-corruption policy or be subject to scrutiny by law enforcement officials. It is the responsibility of each consultant to contact the management team if s/he has any question about whether his or her action could potentially violate anti-corruption law.


Performance-Based Grant Systems

Partners from Dege consultant have been the leading design, analytical work and reviews of performance-based grant systems in 10-15 countries around the World, and been leading specialists in the area. Jesper Steffensen produced the enclosed book on the subject for UNCDF in 2010. The publication includes review of the concept, the international experiences and lessons learned, a book which provides hands-on experiences and support to anyone interested in this important subject within the field of intergovernmental fiscal transfers.

Download: Performance-Based Grant System Report

Block Grant System for Education Sector in Mongolia

In Mongolia in 2010 DEGE Consult assisted the Ministry of Education in designing a discretional grant for schools. For details contact Gerhard van’t Land.


In Mongolia Dege Consult assisted the Ministry of Education in designing a discretional grant for schools(funded by ADB). The grant will provide school management and the school councils some initial freedom in allocating resources according to local priorities. The assignment resulted so far in an analytical report, and a grant manual, both in English and Mongolian. The grant is piloted in 80 schools during the year 2010/11 and will be evaluated in August 2011 prior to a expected scaling up.

Download:  Analytical Report | Grant Manual

Climate change funding with links to local government resilience and performance-based grants

Dege Consult has since 2010 been involved in the design and implementation of programs to enhance local government resilience to the impact of climate change, in relation to support for  reforms of the intergovernmental fiscal transfer systems. Involved countries  include Ghana, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Lao PDR, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu. Since 2010, Dege Consult has been involved in preparation of the concept, the design as well as implementation of the Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) facility  (see  and has since (through retainer and framework contracts) contributed to further development and roll-out of the concepts, designs and lessons learned. This is a report Local Experiences, Climate Change on experiences from the first phase that was prepared with support from Dege Consult, notably the chapter on performance-based climate resilience grants and the ways and means to link local government grants for climate change adaptation with annual performance assessment systems and improved M&E…

Long Term Technical Assistance on Fiscal Decentralization in Uganda and South Sudan with ODI

DEGE Consult partners have engaged with Overseas Development Institute since 2013 to provide Long Term Technical Assistance on Fiscal Decentralization issues in Uganda (2015 – ongoing) and South Sudan (ended in 2017). The TA work provided by DEGE was an integral part of a wider ODI TA team that sought to apply principles of Problem Driven Iterative Approaches ( to technical assistance. In both countries the TA was embedded with the Ministries responsible for finance, with multi sector engagement through established government structures for fiscal decentralisation that involved sector ministries, ministries responsible for public service and local governments, local government finance commissions etc.

In Uganda the TA includes support for implementation of the World bank funded (450 million USD) Uganda Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers (UgIFT) project

For the ODI approach please see

Contact Senior partners Jesper Steffensen and Per Tidemand for additional details.

Applied Research on Fiscal Inequities and service delivery in Tanzania

DEGE Consultant undertook an expanded Public Expenditure Review (PER) analysis of Local Government Authority (LGA) fiscal inequities and the challenges of ‘disadvantaged’ LGAs in Tanzania

Comparative Studies of Decentralisation in East Africa

DEGE Consult partners have successfully undertaken a large number of analytical studies of decentralisation, local governance and local service delivery in several countries. This includes two comprehensive comparative studies of the three East African countries: Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.

The first study was conducted by our team in 2004 with World Bank funding. It applied a strict comparative and comprehensive approach to the analysis of decentralization with emphasis on five dimensions: (1) legal and institutional arrangements (2) LG Political Structures (3) LG Finance arrangements, (4) LG Human Resource Management and (5) overall central government supporting institutions.

An overall synthesis report Full Synthesis Report and three country reports were produced (link). The assignment culminated with a large stakeholder workshop attended by the ministers responsible for local government in the three countries and several neighbouring countries.

The second study was financed by JICA and completed in 2008. The study expanded the 2004 study with emphasis on the particular sector arrangements for delivery of local level services for education, health and agriculture. The study explores the impact of these arrangements on (a) governance (transparency and accountability) and (b) service delivery.

In addition DEGE partners have also contributed to various academic research on comparative studies of decentralisation in Africa – for instance

Source Materials on Decentralisation

Dege Consult produced a comprehensive set of source materials on decentralisation for the Danish Government (Danida) with experiences and lessons learned from decentralisation, and with focus on core issues such as fiscal decentralisation, the political economy, and decentralisation in three core sectors: 1) Environment, 2) Health and 3) Water.

More detailed materials and resource-base for all the documents are available from Dege Consult. The core documents can be viewed by clicking the read more link below.

For further information and materials contact Per Tidemand, TL for the assignment () and Jesper Steffensen ()

Download:  Source Material | Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 1
Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 2 | Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 3
Fiscal Decentralisation Annex 4 Fiscal Decentralisation Final 
Political Economy | Draft Note on Water | Draft Note on Health
Draft Note on Enviroment

Thematic Global Evaluation of EC Support to Decentralisation Processes

Dege Consult partners Per Tidemand and Hans Bjørn Olsen participated (as team leader and consultant) in this major evaluation of EC support to decentralisation processes in third countries. The work was complted early 2012 and included desk review of more that 23 countries and fieldwork in ten countries in Africa, Asia, Middle East and Latin America.

External Links: Public debate on the findings, Conclusions | Watch a Video

Thematic Global Evaluation of EC Support to Decentralisation Processes

Diagnostic of Intergovernmental Fiscal System – Urban Authorities in Uganda

Dege consult (lead) and Mentor Consult Uganda, with Jesper Steffensen and Emmanuel Ssewankambo, provided analytical input to Urban Development Program – USMID, and one of the main documents was a review of the intergovernmental fiscal transfers to urban authorities in Uganda.’

Download: Diagnostics of intergovernmental Report

Evaluation of Finnish Support to Local Governance and Decentralisation Processes

Dege Consult together with Particip of Germany carried an evaluation of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs support to local governance and decentralisation projects/programmes.

The evaluation was completed early 2012 and involved field work in Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Tanzania.

Contact Hans B. Olsen for details.


In May 2010, DEGE Consult facilitated a shot introductory course on Fiscal Decentralisation in Benin for the members of the Commission Nationale des Finances Locales (Local Government Finance Commission). As far as we know this has been one of the first times to extensively use the anglophone body of research and literature on the subject for a course in French.

Download: Fiscal Decentralisation Course Report

Contact US

10 + 9 =


Østergade 76

4340 Tølløse


Phone: +46 72 940 85 91


Tax Identification (CVR): 28487207



© Dege Consult - Public Sector Management Consultancy July 2020