Per Tidemand
Founder, Senior Partner and Consultant / PhD in Development studies
Per Tidemand (Ph.D. Development Studies) has 30 years of experience with public sector reform programmes in 25 countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Botswana, China, Ethiopia, Ghana, Georgia, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Malawi, Maldives, Mozambique, Namibia, Palestine, Philippines, Rwanda, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe). The assignments have included service delivery issues in the following sectors: water supply, primary health care, agriculture extension, basic education, local economic development, and municipal services.
Clients include World Bank, DfID, UNCDF, UNDP, Danida, EU, JICA, Belgian TC, Irish Aid, Finland, and Ministries and Finance Commissions responsible for local governments in the above-mentioned countries. In Per’s most recent assignments he served as team leader on formulation, review or evaluation of programmes in support of local government reform or decentralisation. Per has specialised knowledge of public sector human resource management and inter-governmental fiscal transfer systems – including performance-based grants. He has worked and lived in East Africa for 17 years.
Noel M. Matthews
Senior Partner and Consultant
Noel holds a Master’s Degree in Education and has over the past 30 years designed and directed a wide range of programmes and projects. As an Irish citizen working in Asia, Africa, Arab states and Europe, he has provided policy, strategic and technical leadership on local governance, public administration reform, institutional development, democracy and human rights, women’s political participation and gender equality. He also worked on monitoring & evaluation, localising and reporting on the SDGs, as well as sectoral reform work in education, health and rural development.
In practice this has meant that he has focused on developing strategic and institutional development frameworks and locating these within effective multi-stakeholder coordination and partnership mechanisms. This has including developing, advising, directing or assisting programs in a diverse range of sectors/subsectors with an emphasis on developing state and non-state participation and accountability mechanisms and the capacities to support a human rights-based approach to governance.
Noel has worked within government ministries and local government departments in many challenging contexts mentoring and managing staff and leading advisory support teams. He has also worked with a wide variety of development partners over the last 30 years, including DfID/FCDO, EU, Sida, SDC, World Bank and UN as well as international and local CSOs and community-based organisations. He has designed and developed many learning workshops, communities of practice, strategic planning processes and multi-stakeholder dialogue mechanisms.

Gerhard Van’t land
Managing Director / Senior Partner and Consultant
Gerhard is a Dutch citizen with a master’s degree in Development Economics. After initial long-term assignments in Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Tanzania and Sri Lanka, he was for 12 years managing director and a co-owner of a Nairobi-based consultancy organization called ETC East Africa. He joined Dege Consult in 2010. Gerhard has over 35 years of working experience, in close to 30 different countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Pacific for a wide range of clients including Word Bank, EU, bilateral agencies (Netherlands, SDC) as well as International NGOs. Over the past 20 years, he successfully completed around 130 consultancy assignments related to pubic administration reform, decentralisation and related institutional development.
He has been leading various major evaluations of decentralisation programmes. In 2002, he was the team-leader for a widely acclaimed review of the first 10 years of decentralisation in Uganda. Since then, he has been involved, mostly as team leader, in formulation and evaluations of local government support programmes, amongst others in Uganda, Tanzania, Cambodia, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Gerhard has broad knowledge of institutional aspect around local governance, including participation, community involvement and accountability, fiscal decentralisation and capacity development and specific knowledge of various basic services sectors (gained through the rural development programmes he worked in), and skilled in making connections between these topics, which makes him a very suitable team leader for formulation and evaluation of projects and progammes around decentralisation, local governance and service delivery. Gerhard presently also serves as Managing Director of the company.

Per Tidemand
Founder, Senior Partner and Consultant / PhD in Development studies
Per Tidemand (Ph.D. Development Studies) has 30 years of experience with public sector reform programmes in 25 countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Botswana, China, Ethiopia, Ghana, Georgia, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Malawi, Maldives, Mozambique, Namibia, Palestine, Philippines, Rwanda, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe). The assignments have included service delivery issues in the following sectors: water supply, primary health care, agriculture extension, basic education, local economic development, and municipal services.
Clients include World Bank, DfID, UNCDF, UNDP, Danida, EU, JICA, Belgian TC, Irish Aid, Finland, and Ministries and Finance Commissions responsible for local governments in the above-mentioned countries. In Per’s most recent assignments he served as team leader on formulation, review or evaluation of programmes in support of local government reform or decentralisation. Per has specialised knowledge of public sector human resource management and inter-governmental fiscal transfer systems – including performance-based grants. He has worked and lived in East Africa for 17 years.

Noel M. Matthews
Senior Partner and Consultant
Noel holds a Master’s Degree in Education and has over the past 30 years designed and directed a wide range of programmes and projects. As an Irish citizen working in Asia, Africa, Arab states and Europe, he has provided policy, strategic and technical leadership on local governance, public administration reform, institutional development, democracy and human rights, women’s political participation and gender equality. He also worked on monitoring & evaluation, localising and reporting on the SDGs, as well as sectoral reform work in education, health and rural development.
In practice this has meant that he has focused on developing strategic and institutional development frameworks and locating these within effective multi-stakeholder coordination and partnership mechanisms. This has including developing, advising, directing or assisting programs in a diverse range of sectors/subsectors with an emphasis on developing state and non-state participation and accountability mechanisms and the capacities to support a human rights-based approach to governance.
Noel has worked within government ministries and local government departments in many challenging contexts mentoring and managing staff and leading advisory support teams. He has also worked with a wide variety of development partners over the last 30 years, including DfID/FCDO, EU, Sida, SDC, World Bank and UN as well as international and local CSOs and community-based organisations. He has designed and developed many learning workshops, communities of practice, strategic planning processes and multi-stakeholder dialogue mechanisms.

Gerhard Van’t land
Managing Director / Senior Partner and Consultant
Gerhard is a Dutch citizen with a master’s degree in Development Economics. After initial long-term assignments in Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Tanzania and Sri Lanka, he was for 12 years managing director and a co-owner of a Nairobi-based consultancy organization called ETC East Africa. He joined Dege Consult in 2010. Gerhard has over 35 years of working experience, in close to 30 different countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Pacific for a wide range of clients including Word Bank, EU, bilateral agencies (Netherlands, SDC) as well as International NGOs. Over the past 20 years, he successfully completed around 130 consultancy assignments related to pubic administration reform, decentralisation and related institutional development.
He has been leading various major evaluations of decentralisation programmes. In 2002, he was the team-leader for a widely acclaimed review of the first 10 years of decentralisation in Uganda. Since then, he has been involved, mostly as team leader, in formulation and evaluations of local government support programmes, amongst others in Uganda, Tanzania, Cambodia, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Gerhard has broad knowledge of institutional aspect around local governance, including participation, community involvement and accountability, fiscal decentralisation and capacity development and specific knowledge of various basic services sectors (gained through the rural development programmes he worked in), and skilled in making connections between these topics, which makes him a very suitable team leader for formulation and evaluation of projects and progammes around decentralisation, local governance and service delivery. Gerhard presently also serves as Managing Director of the company.
associated CONSULTANTS
Rest barnabas lasway
Rest Is an expert in Education and Social Development. She is conversant with strategic planning, project/program design, negotiation, donor coordination, policy analysis and formulation; as well as program management, M&E, gender analysis and Civil Society engagemen.
Rest has designed and implemented needs assessment and capacity development training programs. She mostly worked in Tanzania, but has carried out some specific short period assignments in Canada, Namibia, Malawi, and, for the World Bank in its Head Office in Washington DC.
For further contact click here

Nazar sola
Nazar Sola is an experienced consultant in the fields of local governance, institutional strengthening, capacity building and organizational development. He is a retired senior lecturer from the Mzumbe University where he served in various positions including Head of a Local Government Center and the Department of Languages and Communication Skills. As Head of the Local Government Center he organized and facilitated a number of short courses, reviewed the capacity building activities for the Local Government Reform Programme (LGRP), the Urban Sector Rehabilitation Project (USRP) and individual LGAs. Nazar was also involved in reviewing the WB funded Tanzania Strategic Cities Project (TSCP) and in supporting the capacity building component of the Urban Local Government Support Project (ULGSP).
As associate with DEGE Consult, Nazar was involved in a number of assignments such as the study on staffing problems in peripheral LGAs (for LGRP), a study on governance and service delivery (for JICA) and a LG Capacity Building study in Zanzibar (for World Bank). More recently he conducted a study on LGA fiscal inequalities; a technical review and Value for Money Audit of contracts implemented by LGAs under the Health Sector Window of the LGDG and he undertook an Institutional review of the Zanzibar Municipal Council and the three Town Councils of Pemba.
For further contact click here
associated CONSULTANTS

Nazar Sola is an experienced consultant in the fields of local governance, institutional strengthening, capacity building and organizational development. He is a retired senior lecturer from the Mzumbe University where he served in various positions including Head of a Local Government Center and the Department of Languages and Communication Skills. As Head of the Local Government Center he organized and facilitated a number of short courses, reviewed the capacity building activities for the Local Government Reform Programme (LGRP), the Urban Sector Rehabilitation Project (USRP) and individual LGAs. Nazar was also involved in reviewing the WB funded Tanzania Strategic Cities Project (TSCP) and in supporting the capacity building component of the Urban Local Government Support Project (ULGSP).
As associate with DEGE Consult, Nazar was involved in a number of assignments such as the study on staffing problems in peripheral LGAs (for LGRP), a study on governance and service delivery (for JICA) and a LG Capacity Building study in Zanzibar (for World Bank). More recently he conducted a study on LGA fiscal inequalities; a technical review and Value for Money Audit of contracts implemented by LGAs under the Health Sector Window of the LGDG and he undertook an Institutional review of the Zanzibar Municipal Council and the three Town Councils of Pemba.
For further contact click here

Rest Is an expert in Education and Social Development. She is conversant with strategic planning, project/program design, negotiation, donor coordination, policy analysis and formulation; as well as program management, M&E, gender analysis and Civil Society engagemen. Rest has designed and implemented needs assessment and capacity development training programs. She mostly worked in Tanzania, but has carried out some specific short period assignments in Canada, Namibia, Malawi, and, for the World Bank in its Head Office in Washington DC.
For further contact click here
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Phone: +46 72 940 85 91
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© Dege Consult - Public Sector Management Consultancy July 2020